Anna Perdue Narrator

Aug 13, 202110 min

Two Sides of the Coin . . .

#CivilWar #CivilUnrest #Conspiracies #Patriotism #Tyranny

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A Huge THANK YOU to: Kenrick K, Jesus V, KC Global Productions, Frank B, Vincent P, Kevin B, Angela P, Beverly C, Washington Driving School, Kenrick K, Vincent G, Jolie R, Barbara L, Vicci M, Verna S, Mark Z, Neal & Lisa H for your donations.


There is a primal instinct that allows peoples biases to rule their conclusions and blind them to the deeper aspects of power and conspiracy. What happens, is first they are willing to go down the rabbit hole only so far, and then they deny that the rabbit hole even exists.

For the most part, people are “stupid” and easily manipulated into following compelling personalities that make promises they never intend to keep. This is a foolish oversimplification. In truth, the level of manipulation needed to lure a majority of people into dictatorship is so complex that it requires an advanced understanding of human psychology. [1]

In our modern era, people cannot merely be ordered to submit at gunpoint, at least not right away. They must be tricked into conforming by making them think that it was THEIR IDEA all along. Without this dynamic of self-censorship and self-enslavement, the population will eventually rebel no matter how oppressive the regime. A thousand-year tyranny cannot exist unless a number of people are conned into applauding it, or, they directly benefit from it.

Edmund Burke, one of the foremost political speakers of 18th century England, said: "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." We hear this quoted so often that it may be that we are deaf to the actual meaning of the words. (Often quoted as simply "evil prospers when good men do nothing").

So, what does it mean? It seems to say that evil grows not only because people carry out all kinds of awful acts, but simply because good men sit back and do nothing about it. In other words, apathy breeds evil. The natural tendency of society, if left to itself with no force for good acting upon it, is a downward slide into depravity. If that sounds a bit of an extreme view then just take a few minutes to ponder the rise and fall of just about every civilization that has been recorded in the history books. Chaos, disorder, lawlessness and the breakdown of family and society seem to be the hallmark of every failed system that has gone before us [2]

And this is where we find the true key to totalitarianism – It only thrives because there is an inherent portion of any given society that secretly loves it and wants it to exist. We might call these people useful idiots, but it is much more than that. They are not necessarily unaware of what they are doing; they understand to some extent that they are helping in the destruction of other people’s freedoms…and they revel in it.

Sure, there are elitists and globalists that levy core conspiracies and seek out more and more control, but they could not accomplish much of anything without the aid of the army of sociopathic aberrations that live among us.

This strange and destructive characteristic is ever visible today in light of the lockdowns and the push for forced v's. It is clear that there are some people out there that are overly concerned with the personal health decisions of everyone else.

There is overwhelming prove there is nothing for them to worry about, but they persist. They thirst for the taste of power. They have become a cult which ignores all logic and demands fealty to their fraudulent narrative. They do not care about the facts; they only care that we comply.

And so, begins the epic conflict; a tale as old as civilization itself. There are two types of people in this world: Those that want to control others, and those that want to be left alone. But what motivates the control freaks? Why are they the way they are? Let's examine some of the causes…

There are people that are driven by success, by merit, by hope, by prosperity, by faith, by optimism, by love, and by honor. And then, there are people driven by fear. There are hundreds of various fears, but only a few ways to react to any of them. Collectivists respond to fear with a desperate need to micromanage their environment; they believe that if they can dictate people and events to a certain degree, they can eliminate unexpected outcomes and be free of fear. But life does not work this way and it never will.

The level of influence these people seek is so far beyond them that it can never be attained. That is to say, they will never be satisfied until they get more. Their fears will always haunt them because fears cannot be dealt with from without, they can only be dealt with from within.

Furthermore, the things they fear often revolve around their own narcissism and are of their own making. They fear failure, but they rarely work hard enough to succeed. They fear exposure, but only because they constantly lie. They fear conflict, but only because they are weak in body and character. They fear death, because they believe in nothing greater than themselves. They clamor for dominance of their surroundings because they wrongly believe that they can cheat fate and the consequences of their own terrible choices.

The issue of fear extends into the common mindset of the totalitarian and how they find safety. The idea of standing on their own two feet and standing by their principles in the face of opposition is completely foreign to them. They avoid these situations at any cost and the notion of risk is abhorrent to them.

So, they instead look for a mob to blend into as we’ve witnessed over the last few years. This makes them feel safe in obscurity while also wielding force through collectivist action. They can feel powerful while at the same time being pitiful and weak.

These people almost always operate through large single-minded groups that punish any dissension in the ranks, usually with gatekeepers that moderate the motivations of the hive. The mob itself is a weapon, its only purpose beyond the comfort of its adherents is to destroy those people that do not hold the same beliefs or values as the controllers.

There is no defensive purpose to the mob; it is an assassin’s tool; it is a nuclear bomb. And, as we have seen in every modern dictatorship from the Bolsheviks in Russia to the Fascists in Germany to the communists in Mao’s China, the totalitarian mob is capable of murdering more people than any nuclear weapon in existence, all in the name of “the greater good of the greater number.”

All tyrants believe themselves to be righteous in their cause, even when they know that their actions are morally abhorrent. Those who disagree are labeled heretics, the lowest of the low, the unwashed terrorists. The anti-mandate crowd is thus stripped of its humanity in this way and is painted as demonic. The people who want to remain free in fact become the monsters, and the totalitarian monsters become heroes out to save the world.

Authoritarianism does fulfill some of its promises of “security” as long as the people involved are willing to trade away any impulses of liberty. If you do as you’re told at all times and serve the system without fail, then there is a good chance you will be able to hold onto the meager necessities of survival.

For those that go above and beyond and cast aside all personal principle in order to further the goals of the system, they might even enjoy a bit of wealth beyond their peers. You see, in a despotic society, the people who are most without honor are the people that are most rewarded.

They don’t need merit, or accomplishment, or skills, or even brains; all they have to do it sell their souls and do whatever it takes to catch the eye of the oligarchy. They don’t have to be good at anything, all they have to do is be evil, and for some people that’s easy.

In this way the system becomes a comfortable blanket that otherwise useless deviants can be swaddled in. They are not concerned with freedom because freedom feels cold to them. Freedom can be isolating and the existence of choice is terrifying. When all your choices are made for you, there is never any doubt or internal stress. All that is required is that you wake up each day and obey.

For weak and ignorant people, subservience is a gift instead of a curse. They believe that a cage is meant to be gilded, not escaped from, and anyone that seeks escape must be crazy or dangerous. If free people exist then the slaves are forced to question their own condition and their own compliance, so everyone must be enslaved to remove any and all doubt from society.

The hive mind is placed above all else. The little tyrants that infiltrate humanity probably look at liberty advocates as some kind of alien creatures from far beyond the bounds of their universe. They just can’t fathom how it is possible for someone to defy the system, to stand against the mob or the collective, even when they are outnumbered or when the risk is so high. They assume that it is a form of madness or a lack of intelligence; for how could anyone smart think they have a chance of fighting back against the dictatorship?

Liberty people are individualists by nature, but also care about the freedoms of others. There is a common propaganda narrative that claims that individualists are “selfish”, but this is not the case at all. It is not enough for us alone to escape slavery; we will not stand by and watch others be forced into bondage either.

We are willing to risk our lives not just to save ourselves but to save future generations from autocracy. Totalitarians find themselves bewildered, because each new mechanism of control results in even greater impetus for rebellion; us, or them. They will not stop their pursuit of dominion and individualists will not comply, so the citizens are at an impasse. Two tribes cannot coexist within the same society, maybe not even the same planet.

The truth is that if voluntarism was a valued ideal then the whole fight could be avoided. If the collectivist cult was willing to accept the notion that they can choose to live in a highly micromanaged environment while others can choose to live independently, then there would be no crisis. We could easily go our separate ways. But this is not how totalitarians think: To them, all people are chattel, we are property to be staked down and reeducated until we see the light. And if we don’t see the light, we are to be done away with and erased.

They cannot stop themselves from grasping for our throats and our minds. They are addicted to supremacy. They are living in a fever dream and the only drug that cools their veins is total oppression of everyone around them. What is over the horizon is not pretty for either side, but it will be especially gruesome for the collectivists because they cannot imagine a scenario in which they lose.

They are so certain of their preeminence and the safety of their self-imposed prisons that they will see failure as a phantom, a ghost that cannot touch them. It would only take a handful of minor defeats to bring them down, but this requires freedom advocates become more organized than they are.

The bottom line is this: Tyrannical systems are planned by elitists groups and governments and it is they that benefit most from the destruction of public freedoms. It is indeed a conspiracy, and the lockdowns and forced treatment response are no exception. However, tyrannical systems could not be executed without the help of a larger psychopathic contingent of the population, and these people congregate together to make terrible things happen. It’s as if they hear a silent dog whistle as totalitarianism rises, or they smell the blood of innocent victims in the air.

Call them leftists, call them collectivists, call them whatever you want; but know that the globalists are not our only concern. There is a wall of self-absorbed and power-hungry peons in the way, and they want whatever scraps they can get from the big boy’s table. They are not oblivious; they have not been tricked into doing the things they do. They are a sad and pathetic bunch but they are still dangerous in their ambitions, and they will continue to slither out of the woodwork as the agenda progresses. [1]

Thank you, Brandon Smith with Alt-Market, and Chris Cole with Cross Rhythms for your incredible writings that were read in this podcast.

Meanwhile, there are many who will rise to the occasion. Over the last eight months, over 2000 nurses have resigned from their positions in Mississippi causing a staffing shortage for the state. Certainly, this isn’t favorable for the sick, but these nurses have stood by their principles. While airline employees are leaving in droves, the Tyson employees walk off their jobs.

It seems Los Angeles is moving ahead with a ban on retail establishments, restaurants, entertainment, etc. The city council is considering extending the ban to Uber/Lyft as well. All, while Nancy Pelosi increases the maximum annual salary for House staffers from $174,000 to $199,300 as inflation remains high in the U.S. We are truly living in the days when good is bad and bad is good.

Hold onto your principles no matter what. Our reward is waiting for us. Never give up, never give in. Stay strong and hold your head high until the end. ...and in all things, give glory and honor to our Great Creator Father in Heaven who made all things and knows all things. In the end, Goodness WILL PREVAIL, and GOD WINS!


[1] Smith, Brandon. “Why Do Some People Support Tyranny While Others Defy It?.” Alt-Market, [ ]

[2] Cole, Chris. “Evil Prospers When Good Men Do Nothing”.

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[3] @SomeBitchIKnow
[4] Tyson employees walk off job
[5] @SomeBitchIKnow
[6] @Disclose TV

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